Off Somewhere

  • Off Somewhere
  • Off Somewhere

In many ways, it’s hard for me not to believe I’ve always been off somewhere. Whether that be mentally, or physically. I’ve often found myself wandering the great expanse of thoughts and ideas. The mundane interests me as much as the fantastical does. At a certain point it becomes difficult to focus. A sentence is spoken to me and several hundred thoughts may, all at once, ask for my processing attention. Over time, I’ve had to learn to let go of some of it purely just to remain able to stay in one place or one piece. But it’s still hard not to be whisked away into the depths of thoughtful possibility all the time.

Ever since I was young, I’ve always gotten overly interested in thoughts and ideas. It was like, if I thought about something hard enough, and started to feel the idea enough, it would become real. Or at least in my head.

This was a heavy influence on me as a kid. I started writing these ridiculous fantastical stories about zombies and people with supernatural abilities at like 8 years old. All of it purely given to me by the ridiculous movies and television I’d watch at a ridiculously young age. It was like I was trying to capture the feeling of feeling. And I suppose not much has changed, except there are a million more distractions.

I often wonder what it would be like if the flow of my day-to-day life was almost entirely carried by my curiosity. What things would I discover today? What concepts would I consider? Alas, quite a bit of it still takes place tucked away in my mind as I sit behind my computer at work, but I’m there to get a job done. And so, I do.

But beyond my monetarily chained life, I get to create things like this cactus.